It’s time to confront your deepest fears, come face to face with your triggers and traumas, and develop the belief systems and mindset necessary to build an intentional life on YOUR terms.

It's time!

Experience transformation

It's time!

Release body shame and awaken your inner sensual goddess.

Create a life on your terms with time and financial freedom.

Love every part of yourself unconditionally and show up unapologetically as the woman you were always meant to be.

Strengthen and deepen your relationships with your partner, children, friends, etc.

Increase your income and get paid to do more of what you love.

Learn how to set healthy boundaries and find comfort in saying no. 

WARNING: You may experience the following side effects: losing fucks to give, more abundance, intense joy and no longer being willing to settle for less or having to lower your standards. Some clients may also experience complete sexual liberation, including finding that magically orgasmic squirt button.

Imagine if you could...







isqué: Finding Your Power


nergetic: Soul Energy




where transformation meets empowerment and boldness breaks barriers


THE                   approach

Transcendance is about recognizing and fully embracing your unique gifts, talents, and strengths. In this transformative section of our journey, we'll dive deep into YOU, uncovering the qualities that make you exceptional and unstoppable.

Through introspective exercises, insightful reflections, and empowering discussions, we'll explore your core values, passions, and deepest desires. You'll gain clarity on your purpose and direction, shedding light on the path to fulfilling your true potential.

Together, we'll cultivate a mindset of confidence, self-worth, and empowerment, so you can step boldly into your brilliance and create a life that resonates with authenticity and fulfillment. 



Energetic goes beyond the physical realm; it's the essence of who you are at a deeper level. In this section of our journey together, we'll delve into the exploration of your energy and intuition.

Through mindfulness practices, guided meditations, and intuitive exercises, we'll connect with your inner wisdom and tap into the powerful energy that fuels your soul. You'll gain insights into your unique energetic signature, learn to trust your intuition, and align your actions with your soul's true purpose.

By harnessing and honoring your soul energy, you'll experience a profound sense of clarity, alignment, and vitality, guiding you towards living a life that's deeply fulfilling and meaningful.

nergetic: Soul Energy


Risque is all about embracing your inner strength, courage, and sensuality. In this section of our journey, we'll explore ways to step outside your comfort zone and take calculated risks that align with your authentic self.

Through empowering exercises, mindset shifts, and confidence-building practices, you'll uncover your unique sources of power and learn to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. We'll also delve into the exploration of feminine sensual power, tapping into the innate beauty, grace, and allure that resides within you.

By embracing your risque side and honoring your feminine essence, you'll unlock a new level of confidence, empowerment, and magnetic presence in every area of your life.

isqué: Finding Your Power


Intentional is about living with purpose, clarity, and mindful awareness. In this section of our journey together, we'll focus on what's needed to intentionally create the life you truly desire.

You'll gain tools and strategies to make conscious choices aligned with your vision, ensuring every action propels you towards your desired outcomes.

By cultivating a mindset of intentionality, mindfulness, and alignment, you'll experience greater fulfillment, joy, and success in all areas of your life.

ntentional: Conscious Living


Compassionate is about cultivating a mindset of kindness, empathy, and understanding towards oneself and others. In this section of our journey, we'll focus on ways to say no and set healthy boundaries with compassion.

Through reflective exercises, communication techniques, and self-care practices, you'll learn to honor your needs and values while respecting the needs of others. We'll explore the power of assertive yet empathetic communication, helping you navigate challenging situations with grace and confidence.

By leading with love and compassion, you'll create deeper connections, foster mutual respect, and experience greater harmony in your relationships and overall life.

ompassionate: Lead with Love


Adventurous is all about embracing courage and stepping boldly into new experiences without letting fear hold you back. In this section of our journey, we'll focus on ways to stretch ourselves and create a life of adventure and curiosity.

Through mindset shifts, resilience-building exercises, and goal-setting strategies, you'll learn to navigate fear, uncertainty, and discomfort with confidence and resilience.

We'll explore the thrill of embracing challenges, taking risks, and seizing opportunities, empowering you to live a life filled with excitement, growth, and limitless possibilities.



Why work with me and not another coach? Well, that's up to you. I want you to find a coach that is a FUCK YES! Work with the coach who resonates with you, the one who is living the dream life you want to be, and the one you are magnetically drawn to. Remember, I only work in FUCK YES energy! If you want to know more about what it looks like partnering with me, continue reading below. 

My top 3 values are: Authenticity | Integrity | Compassion

I Commit To:
  • Always deliver privacy, honesty, transparency, accountability, and respect
  • Being your advocate while guiding you on YOUR journey
  • Partner with you as you take inspired action to radically transform your life

​I Expect You To:
  • Own that this is YOUR journey
  • Be comfortable with getting uncomfortable
  • Have an open mind and show up every day fully committed
  • Set clear intentions for each meeting/touchbase

commitments and Expectations

Los Angeles, California

Johnny B.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Vanessa C.

Biloxi, Mississippi

Lisa P.

Kind words

In the years I have known Terica, there has never been an occasion where she was too busy to listen to someone.

She is completely passionate about teaching others, not doing it for them. She doesn't give false praise and is brave enough to have the conversations that matter. Giving constructive feedback where it's needed, and not cheating us out of growth, to save herself the uncomfortable circumstance.

She is a fantastic partner, and I enjoy working with her very much.
Our teen plays a travel sport at a very competitive level, the pressure and expectation was really taking its toll on her. We would notice the negative self talk and how she would spiral in certain situations. Seeing her struggle was really tough and we felt helpless.

So, we reached out to Terica and took a chance. Terica has been able to give her tools and skills she needed to not get overwhelmed. We have noticed such a huge change in the way she approaches her sport, school and even relationships with her friends and family. She has been able to breakdown goals and expectations in a much more manageable way and gives herself grace to make mistakes.

She is genuinely having fun again when she plays and that is huge. Thank you, truly
"You should dance with the skeletons in your closet.
Learn their names,
so you can ask them to leave.
Have coffee with your demons.
Ask them important questions like,
"What keeps you here?"
Learn what doors they keep finding open,
and kick them out."
From Book: Sparks Her Own Flame by Pierre Alex Jeanty
My session with you was so helpful. I did not even realize I was stuck and you helped me gently loosen that jam and look ahead! Thank you so much.

I saw this poem and thought of your advice to feel the feelings and let those disturbing thoughts and memories out. Tell them to move on!

Want to see if we're the right fit?